Each entry is linked to nutritional data and colored according to a code (shown below).
♥ Green = Excellent: Low Carbohydrates, High Polyunsaturated Fats
♣ Blue = Excellent: Low Carbohydrates, High Saturated Fats
♦ Orange = Good: Low Carbohydrates, Low-Moderate Fats
◌ Purple = Acceptable: Moderate Carbohydrates, High Polyunsaturated Fats
∗ Grey = Acceptable: Moderate Carbohydrates, High Saturated Fats
⊗ Red = Barely Acceptable: Moderate Carbohydrates, Low-Moderate Fats
The numbers on the side represent the macronutrient content per 100 grams in the following order:
grams of fat, grams of protein, grams of total carbohydrate / grams of fiber
Don't worry if the numbers don't add up to 100 grams because there are other things such as water composing the mass of the food. Also, these numbers are just a rough guideline and may be slightly different depending on the brand. A perfect ketogenic ratio occurs when the grams of protein are slightly more or the same as the grams of fat.
Cheeses ↑
- ♣ American Cheese 31, 22, 2/0
♣ Blue Cheese 29, 22, 2/0
♣ Cheddar Cheese 44, 32, 2/0
♦ Cottage Cheese, 1% milkfat 1, 12, 3/0
♣ Cream Cheese 34, 6, 4/0
♣ Feta Cheese 21, 14, 4/0
♣ Gouda Cheese 27, 25, 2/0
♣ Mozzarella Cheese, whole milk 22, 22, 2/0
♣ Parmesan Cheese 29, 38, 4/0
♣ Provolone Cheese 27, 26, 2/0
♣ Ricotta Cheese, whole milk 13, 11, 3/0
♣ Swiss Cheese 28, 27, 5/0
Dairy ↑
- ♥ Almond Milk (unsweetened)
♣ Coconut Cream
♣ Coconut Milk (unsweetened)
♣ Egg *****
♣ Greek Yogurt, whole milk
♣ Heavy Cream
∗ Ice Cream (unsweetened)
♣ Sour Cream
♦ Soy Milk (unsweetened)
♣ Whipped Cream (unsweetened)
Dressings ↑
Fats & Oils ↑
- ♥ Almond Butter
♥ Almond Oil
♥ Avocado Oil
♣ Butter
♥ Canola Oil *
♣ Cocoa Butter
♣ Coconut Oil *****
♥ Fish Oil (cod liver)
♥ Flax Seed Oil
♥ Grape Seed Oil
♥ Hemp Seed Oil
♣ Lard
♥ Macadamia Oil *****
♥ Mayonnaise
♥ Olive Oil
♣ Peanut Butter
♥ Peanut Oil
♥ Safflower Oil
♥ Sesame Oil
♥ Soybean Oil
♣ Sunflower Oil
♥ Sunflower Butter
♣ Vegetable Oil *
♥ Walnut Oil
Fish ↑
- ♦ Anchovy 10, 29, 0/0
♦ Bass 5, 24, 0/0
♦ Burbot 1, 25, 0/0
♦ Carp 7, 23, 0/0
♥ Cavier 18, 25, 4/0
♦ Flounder 2, 24, 0/0
♦ Haddock 1, 24, 0/0
♦ Halibut 3, 27, 0/0
♥ Herring 12, 23, 0/0
♥ Mackerel 18, 24, 0/0 *
♥ Salmon 12, 22, 0/0
♥ Sardines 11, 25, 0/0
♦ Sole 2, 24, 0/0
♦ Tilapia 3, 26, 0/0
♦ Trout 8, 27, 0/0
♦ Tuna 6, 30, 0/0
♦ Tuna (canned) 8, 29, 0/0
Flours/Meals/Powders ↑
- ◌ Acorn Flour
♥ Almond Flour *****
♥ Almond Meal
∗ Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)
♥ Flax Seed Meal *****
♦ Protein Powder
♦ Psyllium Husk
◌ Sesame Seed Flour
♦ Splenda
Fowl ↑
- ♦ Chicken, Breast 8, 30, 0/0
♣ Chicken, Legs 13, 26, 0/0
♣ Chicken, Wings 19, 21, 0/0
♣ Duck 28, 19, 0/0
♣ Goose 22, 25, 0/0
♣ Quail 14, 25, 0/0
♦ Turkey, breast 7, 29, 0/0
♣ Turkey, ground 13, 27, 0/0
♣ Turkey, bacon 28, 30, 0/0
Fruits, low sugar/glycemic ↑
- ♥ Avocado 15, 2, 9/7
⊗ Blackberry 0, 1, 10/5
⊗ Cranberry 0, 0, 12/5
♦ Lemon 0, 1, 11/5
♦ Lime 0, 1, 11/3
◌ Olive, green 15, 1, 4/3
⊗ Raspberry 1, 1, 12/6
⊗ Rhubarb 0, 1, 5/2
⊗ Tomato 0, 1, 4/1
Fruits, moderate sugar/glycemic ↑
- ⊗ Apple 0, 1, 6/0
⊗ Strawberry 0, 1, 8/2
⊗ Watermelon 0, 1, 8/0
Meats ↑
- ♦ Beef, Corned 1, 9, 0/0
♣ Beef, Ground, 70% lean 18, 26, 0/0
♣ Beef, Ground, 80% lean 17, 27, 0/0
♣ Beef, Ground, 90% lean 12, 28, 0/0
♣ Beef, Hot Dog/Frankfurter 18, 31, 2/0
♣ Beef, Ribs
♣ Beef, Roast 17, 26, 0/0
♣ Beef, Pastrami 6, 22, 0/0
♣ Beef, Sausage 12, 6, 1/0
♣ Beef, Steak, Filet Mignon 18, 20, 0/0
♣ Beef, Steak, Ribeye 17, 27, 0/0
♣ Beef, Steak, Round 10, 34, 0/0
♣ Beef, Steak, Sirloin 14, 27, 0/0
♣ Beef, Steak, Striploin 10, 34, 0/0
♣ Beef, Tongue 22, 19, 0/0
♣ Balogna (pork/beef/chicken) 23, 11, 6/0
♣ Lamb, Chops 14, 26, 0/0
♣ Pepperoni (pork/beef) 44, 23, 0/0
♣ Pork, Bacon 40, 38, 1/0
♣ Pork, Chops 5, 24, 0/0
♣ Pork, Ham, 11% 9, 23, 3/0
♣ Pork, Liverwurst 28, 14, 2/0
♣ Pork, Loin 10, 28, 0/0
♣ Pork, Prosciutto 18, 29, 4/0
♣ Pork, Sausage 28, 19, 3/0
♦ Veal 10, 30, 0/0
♦ Venison, Steak 2, 30, 0/0
Nuts/Legumes ↑
- ◌ Almonds 49, 21, 22/12
♥ Brazilnuts 66, 14, 12/8 *
♣ Cashews 44, 18, 33/3
∗ Coconut 33, 3, 15/9
♥ Hazelnuts 62, 15, 18/9
♣ Macadamias 76, 8, 14/9
◌ Peanuts 49, 26, 16/8
♥ Pecans 72, 9, 14/10 *
◌ Pistachios 44, 21, 28/10
♥ Walnuts 65, 15, 14/7
Seeds ↑
- ♥ Chia Seeds 31, 16, 44/38
♥ Flax Seeds 42, 18, 29/27 *
♥ Hemp Seeds 45, 37, 7/3
♥ Pumpkin Seeds 46, 25, 18/4
♥ Safflower Seeds 38, 16, 34/0
♥ Sesame Seeds 50, 18, 23/12
♥ Sunflower Seeds 50, 19, 24/11
Shell Fish ↑
- ♦ Clams 2, 26, 5/0
♦ Crabmeat 2, 19, 0/0
♦ Lobster 1, 21, 1/0
♦ Mussels 4, 24, 7/0
♦ Oysters 2, 7, 7/0
♦ Shrimp 1, 21, 0/0
♦ Squid 7, 18, 8/0
Vegetables, low sugar/glycemic ↑
- ♦ Arugula 1, 3, 4/2
♦ Asparagus 0, 2, 4/2
♦ Bok Choy 0, 1, 2/1
♦ Broccoli 0, 3, 6/2
♦ Broccoli Rabe 0, 3, 3/3 *
♦ Cabbage 0, 1, 6/3
♦ Cauliflower, raw 0, 2, 5/3 *
♦ Celery 0, 1, 3/2
♦ Chard 0, 2, 4/2
♦ Chicory Greens 0, 2, 5/4
♦ Cucumber 0, 1, 2/1
♦ Eggplant 0, 1, 3/3
♦ Endive 0, 1, 3/3
♦ Fennel bulb 0, 1, 7/3
♦ Garlic 0, 6, 33/2
♦ Green Bean 0, 2, 7/3
♦ Jalapeno 1, 1, 6/3
♦ Lettuce, Green Leaf 0, 1, 3/1
♦ Lettuce, Romaine 0, 1, 3/2
♦ Parsley 1, 3, 6/3
♦ Radish 0, 1, 3/2
♦ Spinach 0, 3, 4/2
♦ Soy Bean 9, 17, 10/6
♦ Zucchini 0, 1, 3/1
Vegetables, moderate sugar/glycemic ↑
- ♦ Artichoke 0, 3, 11/5
♦ Brussel Sprouts 0, 3, 9/4
⊗ Carrots, raw 0, 1, 8/3
⊗ Celeriac 0, 1, 9/2
♦ Kale 1, 3, 10/2
♦ Kohlrabi 0, 2, 6/4
♦ Mushrooms 0, 2, 5/2
♦ Okra 0, 2, 7/3
⊗ Onion 0, 1, 9/2
♦ Pepper, sweet, green 0, 1, 5/2
⊗ Pepper, sweet, red 0, 1, 6/2
♦ Pepper, hot, red 0, 2, 9/1
♦ Pepper, sweet, yellow 0, 1, 6/1
♦ Pumpkin 0, 1, 6/0
♦ Snow Pea 0, 3, 7/2
♦ Spaghetti Squash 1, 1, 7/0
⊗ Turnips 0, 1, 6/2
Source: http://josepharcita.blogspot.com/2011/03/guide-to-ketosis.html#Section1