Likes and Dislikes

New Features: Likes and Dislikes

A feature made very popular by Facebook has, since its start, been the Like button. On Facebook, this displays popularity and allows for people to "like" things, which often means they approve of it. There is also another feature, which many people have been waiting for, that has yet to be implemented on Facebook, and that is, a dislike button.

On MyPost, we have added a Like button and a Dislike button so you can allow people to like or dislike your posts.

By adding [like], you will get a like icon that looks like this:
By adding [dislike], you will get a dislike icon that looks like this:

By adding either of these buttons, a new feature will be added to the footer: the ability to see the amount of likes and dislikes of the post.

If you only add a like button to your post, only the like counts will show.
If you only add a dislike button to your post, only the dislike counts will show.
If you add both a like and dislike button, both counts will show.

You may also add a caption to your like and dislike button.

Like Dislike

You may also change the size of the like and dislike button by adding this code to the CSS:
.fa-fw { font-size: 2em; }
If you wish to change the icon of the like and dislike button, you can link to the pages directly.

Note: Like and Dislike works on posts only, not in Preview mode.

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