Writing Content For Your Blog
When it comes to writing a blog post, an article, a web page, or anything that is meant to capture the attention of a visitor, content is and always will be king. A writer can have the best intentions for their article, but if they have not written anything that captures an audience that can relate, than the material will go unread and undiscovered, especially if it means nothing to anyone. For example, someone writing about a blog post about their birthday and what they went through during that particular day may only attract a few visitors, but an article that writes about money, making money, and saving money might just be more interesting to the Internet than an article that lacks such discussion.
On MyPost, we have set up several measures to encourage you to write well including a very simple user-interface along with a headline, custom url, and description, along with the addition of the ever-important content.
When choosing a headline, make sure your headline stands out and is relevant to the content you have written or are going to write. The headline gives complete insight into the topic of your article. The headline should be clear and concise, yet only give brief insight into what is going to be read.
MyPost Custom URL
When choosing a URL, be sure to include your major keywords from the headline. The limit is quite short, with recommendations at 80 to 90 characters, so skipping excess words, eliminating stop words, and focusing on the topic is very important, especially to have in the URL.
Slightly longer than the headline, but much shorter than the content, is the description. This is technically covered in the headline, but it is what gets indexed in most search engines, and what others use to read in order to ensure they are 100% positive that they are turning to the most accurate content listed in the search query. The description is usually the sub-headline or the first sentence of your article.
Content is king. You will continually hear this throughout your blogging career. If you have nothing to write about, than you haven't yet experienced the art of blogging. Even having nothing to write about, the most professional and hobby bloggers will figure out what to write, brainstorming ideas, recording real life experiences, and much more. Content is the reason why people come to visit your post. Staying on topic and writing with professionalism is surely to attract many others and shows your own expertise.
- Choose a topic and write unique.
- Write well.
- Write about anything that will attract attention.
The important part about writing: to the best of your ability, don't lie or produce false information. If you can cite your resources, even if you looked at Wikipedia or some other source, place a link to it at the end of your article, so those who are curious to know more can look up more information about what you researched. It is highly recommended that you cite your sources in order to show your information is accurate.
This infographic covers how to write a blog post in 5 steps.
Text-Friendly Version
a 5 step process
- CHOOSE A TOPIC: choose a topic that relates to your audience. B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that do not.
- RESEARCH: Keywords are vital to the success of your blog post research. Find a main keyword for your heading and 2-3 supporting or longtail keywords to include in your content.
- ADD TITLE & WRITE CONTENT: Try using this format when writing a blog title. Number of trigger word + adjective + keyword + promise.
- ADD LINKS: Using links makes your site a more valuable scalable resource and encourages positive participation and contribution.
- ADD IMAGES: 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.
- Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI.
- By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships without talking to a human.
- The only thing blogging costs you: your time.
- Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website.
- Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate information online.
Infographic created by VA Partners
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