How to Use MyPost Image Hosting

Using Image Hosting on MyPost

One of the great features that MyPost offers is image hosting. We do not have a direct upload form when creating a post, but you may use our Image Hosting to store your images for faster loading posts.

When you link to images offsite, you are slowing down your page, so we highly recommend using our own servers to store your images.

Here is how to do that:

1) On the Create Post page, below the Content box, is a link to the tool Image Hosting. Click the link.

2) Click on Choose File and pick the image you are looking for on your hard drive.

3) Once you have chosen the image, decide whether you want your image to be displayed in the public gallery or not by choosing Public. Anyone can see it and use it for their own posts if you have chosen to share.

4) If you have chosen NOT to make the image public, make sure you save the link to the image in a safe place, as this will be the only time you can retrieve it. Images are stored forever, though you may contact us and request for it to be removed, if it is a private image.

5) Click on Upload.

6) Copy the shortlink code given.

7) When adding an image, type this line and replace the abcxyz with the shortlink it gives you.
<img src="">

The resulting shortlink will yield this:

<img src="">

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