Distraction-Free Writing

Write Without Distractions

At MyPost, we want to make your writing as easy and as comfortable as possible. You want to write and we want to help you write without any distractions. No matter what blog platform you use, no matter what computer you use to write with, and no matter where you choose to write, there are just way too many distractions, and we feel that even the text editor itself may be a distraction at times.

In an effort to help you focus solely on writing your post and eliminating all unnecessary elements on the page, we have added a button you should learn to love. On several text areas, including the content area, the custom css area, the javascript area, and the notes area contain a button at the top right that looks like this: Distraction-Free Writing Button

Clicking on that button will maximize your screen for distraction-free writing. The results will look like this:

Distraction-Free Text Editor

If you aren't necessarily a fan of the "white screen", you can switch to Contrast mode, or Dark screen, which is located just under the "X" button on the Distraction-free Editor. Contrast mode looks like this:

Distraction-Free Text Editor Contrast Mode

Distraction-free mode writing is not for everyone, but we suggest you give it a try. Get yourself into a nice quiet place, enter into full-screen mode on your browser, which is normally accomplished in every browser by hitting the F11 key. You can toggle your browser back to regular screen mode when you are done. This will give you the full benefits of full-screen mode and distraction-free writing. You might find it more enjoyable to use than just writing in the regular text editor and it will remove all distractions and allow you to focus only on your unique content.

See what it is like to write distraction-free today!

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