
If finding particular books have become too difficult for you, now you have the perfect solution in hand with Mediavex, an online library portal with an endless collection of books. This website offers you a variety of books online, be it in the form of easy to access eBooks or to listen wherever you are Audiobooks, at your fingertips. And the best part is that this library can be accessed through any device, be it over your eReader, your Tablet, the old PC at work, your latest MAC, or even your smartphone! There is no compromise whatsoever when it comes to convenience and compatibility, so you can access your own library on – the – go from any given place in the world.

Now, whichever mood you may find yourself in, no matter where you are or what time of the day is it, be it a craving for a bone-chilling thriller, or a good old Classic, or even some matter for some self – help in any field, activity or hobby, all you need to do is open the website an just log in to gain instant access to an alternative world filled with books of every kind! To enter this paradise for any bibliophile, all you need to do is sign up one time to become a member for as long a period as you wish for and to access over 100,000 eBooks and Audiobooks in every genre possible.

Signing Up

Just type in your Browser and choose the ‘sign up’ option. You will be offered four different types of plans. There are options for a 3 – Month Membership for $14.99 per month, a 6 – Month Membership for $9.99 per month, and an All Access Unlimited Membership with a monthly renewal of $39.99. There is also a fourth option of Pay As You Go, in which one can purchase individual eBooks, Audiobooks and more. You need to fill in your card details for an automatic and safe monthly deduction of the amount for the month, as per the plan you choose. All this for an instant, unrestricted and unlimited access to all the content available on the website! Plus, there is an added bonus of new content and books being added to their already gigantic collection, every day!

Customer Support

The website provides FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) as well to provide guidance for any common queries you may have. There is a toll – free number, a local number and an email support team available 24*7 to guide you through any difficulty faced, and solve any problems you may face, be it an error in billing or a technical glitch in accessing a particular eBook. And at any given time, if you wish to withdraw your membership, there is an easy option to do so, where you can access your account for the amount of time you have been billed for, before the expiry of your membership.


Thus, Mediavex is one of the easiest and most hassle-free ways to access unlimited content online anytime, anywhere. There is no worry about access or payment, and there is a highly trained Support Team to handle any issues which may arise per chance. So, if tomorrow you feel like taking up gardening, and have no clue as to where to start from, or if you feel nostalgic for a good old mystery book, you know where to look!