At The End Of The Day, We All Want To Be Armchair Detectives

A mystery is a story where the smartest person wins. The hero in a mystery doesn’t succeed because they’re stronger or faster or better-looking than the villain.

The hero succeeds because they are smarter than the villain. These heroes showed intelligence — if not absolute genius. And the coolest thing is, that the readers could be just like them. Unlike superheroes, who were mostly born with their gifts, detectives — no matter what age they were — earned their smarts? They studied. They read books. They were inquisitive. And it paid off for them. We humans are a curious lot and what could make you more curious than a mystery, whether it’s a story, a true crime or just something that puzzles you – a mystery sucks you in. Curiosity has killed more than the cat...

Mystery readers are intelligent people. The mystery story appeals to their sense of curiosity. They enjoy action. They love to analyze the psychological makeup and motivational drives of characters.

Most mystery readers are as interested in how and why a crime is committed as they are in who committed it. Sifting through clues and red herrings as the story progresses adds challenge... Mystery fans also want to marvel at the genius of the Detective as he finally solves the crime. Indeed, the reader loves to match wits with the sleuth and the criminal—and the author. Perhaps the most satisfying experience a mystery novel reader can have is to figure out “whodunit” before the end of the book. Find titles of thriller and mystery that’ll grip your reader’s appetite at Vuify.

People can’t get enough of mysteries because typically justice is served in the end. Mystery readers have a strong sense of justice and expect evildoers to be punished. Most mysteries provide this kind of ending. The bad guy is caught and gets his or her just deserts, the loose ends are tied up and everything leads to a logical conclusion. Again, in life one could seriously hurt yourself trying to get any kind of justice – but reading a book that’s not risky at all.

A mystery story allows the reader to experience danger, suspense and fear while seated in a nice safe armchair. It satisfies one’s need to see things set right and nobody else even has to be involved. For most readers the love for mysteries, above reasons is because reading mysteries has helped me develop their own critical thinking. It teaches how to evaluate information, examination of things below the surface and taking random pieces of information to form a picture that’ll lead to a solution.

The modern mystery has broadened its appeal even more, by including elements of other genres such as history, romance, travel and other cultures. There’s something for everyone in a good mystery novel. Is it any wonder it is fast approaching the level of readership of romance novels. Dive into an exciting genera at Vuify.