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Aceviewer is an online hub for sports enthusiasts. You can access sports related books, music, games and much more on Aceviewer.

Sports is the best kind of entertainment for most people, be it basketball, cricket, or soccer. Everyone has this one sport they like the most, and an insider’s guide on their favorite sport is what fans would appreciate the most. Apart from enjoying the sport, fans also like details on how the sports is playedHere’s a list of some such books that would delight fans and guide upcoming athletes:

1. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
This book by Michael Lewis focuses on the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its general manager Billy Beane. In his book, Lewis highlights that the collective opinion of baseball insiders—players, managers, coaches, scouts—is often flawed. Moneyball has entered baseball's lexicon to such a level that teams that appear to value the concepts of sabermetrics are often said to be playing ‘Moneyball’.

2. Basketball (and Other Things)
This book is a collaborative effort by Serrano and Torres, which contains answers, and illustrations, to questions about basketball and sports in general. The book reached number one on The New York Times Best Sellers list for sports and fitness books.

3. Heaven Is a Playground
This 1976 book by Rick Telander describes Telander's observations of the streetball culture in Brooklyn. Among the players featured in the book are Fly Williams and Albert King. A 1991 film Heaven Is a Playground is loosely based on the book.

4. The Game
The Game by former ice hockey player Ken Dryden gives readers a glimpse of behind the scenes life of a professional hockey player, the struggles, working under pressure, etc. It even contains a brief account of Montreal Canadiens 1978-1979. It’s categorized as a Canadian classic.

5. The Football Man
The Football Man is another classic football text. Written by Arthur Hopcraft just two years after England's win in the 1966 World Cup, this book is believed to be a study of football. It highlights all the changes and decisions that were made in the sixties that defined the modern game.

6. McIlvanney On Boxing
Widely regarded as the outstanding sports writer of his generation, Hugh McIlvanney, a sports journalist, in his book McIlvanney On Boxing writes about some of the world’s greatest fighters. The book includes their struggles, career stories and details their success to the top.

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