List of MyPost BB Codes
- [br]
- [hr]
- [iquestion]
- [iexclaim]
- [bull]
- [dagger]
- [dbldagger]
- [bb]
- [cent]
- [euro]
- [pound]
- [yen]
- [rupee]
- [celsius]
- [fahrenheit]
- [fa]
- [rupee]
- [copy]
- [reg]
- [lsq]
- [ldq]
- [rsq]
- [rdq]
- [a]
- [leftdblarrow]
- [rightdblarrow]
- [space]
List of Math BBCodes
Input | Output |
[frac12] | ½ |
[frac13] | ⅓ |
[frac23] | ⅔ |
[frac14] | ¼ |
[frac23] | ⅔ |
[frac15] | ⅕ |
[frac25] | ⅖ |
[frac35] | ⅗ |
[frac45] | ⅘ |
[frac16] | ⅙ |
[frac56] | ⅚ |
[frac18] | ⅛ |
[frac38] | ⅜ |
[frac58] | ⅝ |
[frac78] | ⅞ |
[greaterequal] | ≥ |
[lessequal] | ≤ |
[divide] | ÷ |
[times] | × |
[minus] | − |
[deg] | ° |
[notequal] | ≠ |
[x/10k] | ‱ |
[x/m] | ‰ |
Equivalent alias BBCodes
- h1: heading1
- h2: heading2
- h3: heading3
- h4: heading4
- h5: heading5
- h6: heading6
- p: paragraph, para
- b: bold, strong
- i: italic, em
- u: underline, under
- o: overline, over
- q: quote
- s: strike, strikethru, strikethrough
- br: break, newline, nl, lb
- hr: sep, div, divider, line
- ul: unorderered_list, list
- ol: ordered_list, #*, *#
- li: list_item, *
- pre: preformatted
- blockquote: block
- one: one-column
- two: two-columns
- three: three-columns
- four: four-columns
- five: five-columns
- six: six-columns
- seven: seven-columns
- eight: eight-columns
- nine: nine-columns
- ten: ten-columns
- link: url
- email: mail
- yt: youtube
- twitterdark: tweetdark
- twitterlight: tweetlight
- twitterclear: tweetclear, tweet-transparent. twitter-transparent
- addpad: addblock
- img_left: image_left
- img_right: image_right
- img_center: image_center
- fontawesome: fa
- deg: degree
- celius: oc
- fahrenheit: of
- ldash: mdash, longdash
- sdash: shortdash, dash
- embed: iframe
- audio: mp3, sound
- code, pre: precode
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