888-846-6939-No Experience in Bookkeeping? Here’re Easy Tips and Shortcuts for Sage 50 Accounting

If you are reluctant to implement Sage 50 accounting software in your business, simply because you don’t have any work experience of bookkeeping ever, then you must be happy to know that Sage 50 accounting suite requires you not to have a prior accounting expertise to run the software suite. In contrast, it comes up featured with a number of simple and convenient tools that you can use to manage and handle all elements and data files easily and effortlessly.

However, you need to be well-versed with the basic way how the business books are maintained and updated. In addition, it is also necessary for you to have technical know-how to identify adverse situations when you may fail to work with your data files or inaccurate outcome may happen to your data while updating the files.

Most of the users do lack technical understanding of Sage 50, and consequently they go through some irritating situations in case of any technological challenges. If you do also run out of technical know-how and you don’t know how to handle any adverse situation, you would better contact a technician to get an instant Contact Sage 50 Tech Support.

Here are some easy tips and shortcuts that you can use to handle your data files with the utmost accuracy.
While working with Sage 50 accounting software suite, protecting data files against possible damages is one of the most important things to remember. Anything that can ease the process and make you save on your valuable time is should always be welcomed.

With Sage 50, function keys can play a great role in helping you manage your books with accuracy.

  • F1: Pressing F1 key on the keyboard can take you to help appropriate help for the element in Sage 50 what you are leading with right now.
  • F2: It opens up a handy calculator on your computer screen, which you can use to calculate the figure and check if the updated files has correct figure.
  • F3: Account professionals use this shortcut key to launch Edit Item line Window to make a change in the books if required.
  • F4: You can get a direct access to the full list of a field with a drop-down interface by using F4 key. It can also open applications such as calendar and calculator.
  • F5:It is quite important for the professionals, as pressing F5 key on the keyboard can open up currency converter in a numeric field a spell check window in text field.
  • F6: When you have to create invoices in a huge volume and you need to enter details in the cells to do so, then pressing F6 key can help you a lot. It copies the figures from cell above the current cell you are working in, and it saves on your valuable hour.
  • F7: It can be used once after using F6 key. Pressing F7 can paste the information, that you have copied, into the cell you working.
  • F8: It can be used to delete the information or line you are currently working in.
  • F9: It is pressed to calculate the net amount of an invoice, including tax amount whichever is applicable. You don’t need to open the calculator application and then input every figure manually to get the gross amount. You can simply press the key and get the gross amount easily.
So, these are the shortcut keys that you can use to make your accounting more efficient and less time-consuming action. Sage 50 Peachtree Online Customer Phone Servicefrom expert professionals are gently rendered to the users in order to help them find a real time Sage 50 customer help at a time when some of the above keys don’t work as required.

In case of any technological challenges, you can contact a technician to avoid obstacles of all types that may likely to happen to your Sage 50 accounting suite. In addition to these function keys; you can also use some other tips to make the process easier and quicker.
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + Q to exit all Sage 50 screens
  • If you want to launch the Windows control panel, press F11 key
  • Press Alt and X to instantly take the data files from Sage to Excel
  • Use Favorite section to prioritize which report or layouts you need to use
By understanding these points and shortcut keys, you can now understand how easy and convenient it is to manage your books using Sage 50. But as discussed above, the possibility of technical problems is always there in place, so you need to be prepared all the time. Dial Sage 50 Peachtree Technical Support Phone Number to get a direct access to your select technician in a real time.

Don’t take any issues for granted, as they may cause serious obstacles while using the accounting software suite. Keep your Sage 50 flawless and efficient for always.

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