4 Things To Know About Character Development

Character development is a crucial aspect of writing a good book. There are several online sources that can help writers achieve this with ease.

There is no quick and easy way to breathe life into a character and writers definitely need to give a lot of thought to what they are creating. The character arc is important in every story and giving these characters specific personalities is not an easy feat. Vujar has several writers who have aced this skill and have a lot of experience in creating interesting characters. Here are some tips from them for newbie writers.

Research is always essential

Writing is all about research. When writers put time and effort into research, they are bound to come up with a great book. Researching to give the characters a personality the readers can relate to is essential. Get out there and observe real-life people to get inspired. Most writers come up with characters by seeking for them in their own life or look for them around you. When readers can relate to the character, they are more likely to promote the book and this will definitely boost the readership.

Unravel the details slowly

Many writers make the mistake of revealing too much information in the very beginning. It is important that the readers get to know about the characters slowly and steadily. So, instead of revealing everything in the initial stage, it would be best to introduce the character's complete personality as and when required within the storyline. Less is more when introducing a new character. Writers want to drip-feed the readers enough information to whet their appetite and to kick-start their imaginations. Vujar is a great platform to learn and understand these details.

The Body Language

Body language can tell a lot about a person, same applies to characters in a book. The body language is not that easy to explain in words, but writers need to master this skill. Body language speaks volumes about what the character is truly thinking and feeling as human beings. By simply lowering eyes, crossing or biting nails, the character is unwittingly communicating their true feelings. The fact is that communication is only effective to some extent, but body language can definitely say lot more about a character.

Avoid Cliches

Using common character tropes and story cliches are something many writers are guilty of doing. It's essential to avoid any cliches when developing the story and stick to original and unique ideas. The best way to avoid cliches is to question if it's a commonly featured concept in books.

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